Масштаб: 1/24
Carmodel code: CAR105084
Manufacturer code: 71033
Материал: die-cast
Year: 2007
EAN: 093577710335

Availability: not available
С учётом НДС 14.95
Exchange rate: *

The smallest car marketed in Europe has increased its size from the first to the second generation. Entering production in 2007, the Smart II received improved finishes and a number of technical updates. The range was enriched with a 100% electric version. Among the most popular engines were the petrol ones (1000cc engines with power from 61 horsepower to 84 of the turbo). Less successful for diesels (800cc with 45 horsepower). The Smart II, after a restyling in July 2007, went out of production in 2014.

By David Tarallo

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