Masstab:: 1/43
Carmodel Code: CAR103029
Hersteller Code: NEO44222
Material: Harz
Jahr: 1974
EAN: 4052176591659

Verfügbarkeit: nicht verfügbar
MwSt. inbegriffen 67.95
Tauschrate: *

Built by the Brazilian branch of Volkswagen, the SP2 coupé used the Variant platform, but despite the increase in displacement (increased to 1700cc) the insufficient power (75 hp) and the low top speed (160 km / h) ended up penalizing the car. In any case, the car was aesthetically pleasing and original.

By David Tarallo

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* Je nach Angaben des Zahlungsanbieters können die Wechselkurse variieren, sodass der endgültige Preis von dem angegebenen abweichen kann. Die für Zahlungen akzeptierte Währung ist nur in Euro.


The Neo Scale Models brand was introduced by Dutch distributor Replicars in 2007. The Neo models were highly detailed, cast in resin and manufactured in China. The first models were a Saab 95, a Volvo 340 and various Mercedes in 1:43. Other subjects of Swedish, German and English cars from the 60s, 70s and 80s were soon added to the range. In the following years Neo further diversified its production with, among others, 1:43 scale buses and 1:18 cars. Together with Replicars, Neo entered the orbit of Model Car World in 2012. Jaap van Dijk and Mark Asbreuk then founded Matrix Scale Models, with a product range conceptually similar to the Neo.