This small vehicle known as the "Nibbio" was conceived in 1935 by Giovanni Lurani Cernuschi, a student of the Milan Polytechnic, engineer, driver, journalist and car historian. Founder with Gigi Villoresi of the Scuderia Ambrosiana in 1936, Lurani played a leading role in the world of motor racing. The Nibbio was a record car equipped with an air-cooled 500cc Moto Guzzi twin-cylinder engine, with a power of 50 horsepower at 7500 rpm. On board the Nibbio, Lurani himself achieved various world speed records, in the 4-wheel class from 350 to 500cc. The car went on clinching world speed records, in 1939 with a more aerodynamic bodywork by Riva, then with a new 250cc engine in 1947.