The Almeras Bros are a legend in Porsche history. Their competition Porsches got an infinite series of successes, and their 911-based cars (911 Carrera RSR, 934 and so on) are in everyone's memory. The Almeras' count a unique experience both in rallies and on track, they cars being always spotless in engine and chassis tuning. Their contribution to motor racing has been second to none, and they can be considered amongst the greatest Porsche teams ever with Kremer, Meznarie, Orlando, Joest and so on. They also have always had a small range of special prepared road going cars, and this 993, transformed with a bodywork ressembling to the 911 GT1 that had raced at the end of the 90s clinching a Le Mans win.
Kess è un marchio sviluppato e distribuito da Carmodel, specializzato nella produzione di modelli in resina scala 1:43. I soggetti riprodotti sono i più vari, dalle vetture italiane anni settanta ancora inedite, a auto americane più o meno note o ancora auto da competizione. Il livello di dettaglio è elevato e i modelli sono impreziositi da fotoincisioni, parti cromate e molte altre raffinatezze.