In the late 1960s, two Americans, Joe Vos and Charles Schwendler, decided to produce a luxurious and powerful car and created the Murena Motor Corporation. It took the form of a large coupe equipped with a 360 horsepower Ford V8 and bodied with the typical shapes of a shooting brake. The Murena was presented at the 1969 New York Auto Show. Only about ten units were produced.
AutoCult was founded in early 2015 by a group with years of experience in the car modeling industry. The brand is dedicated to the creation of now forgotten cars, which stand out for their shape or their innovative construction. The attention is not limited to the model model alone, but the story behind each car is also highlighted and told to collectors. The models are handcrafted in resin, with a limited run of 333 examples. At the end of each year autocult publishes a book containing all the detailed and illustrated stories of the models released. Thanks to its in-depth knowledge of classic modeling, the company can create models without the aid of CAD.