MOTORHELIX - AUDI - A8 S8 PLUS - 605hp - 2017

Масштаб: 1/18
Carmodel code: CAR124182
Manufacturer code: MH016MBM
Материал: смола
Year: 2017

Availability: not available
С учётом НДС 259.95
Exchange rate: *

After a period in which there were only two engines in the catalog, the Audi A8 range has expanded a lot during 2020, with the arrival of the S8 sports car, which incorporates the V8 engine of the RS6 Avant and RS7 Sportback, but in a configuration weakened by 571 horsepower. Later came the rechargeable hybrid 60 TFSIe with 449 horsepower.

By David Tarallo

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* Depending on the payment provider, exchange rates may vary, so the final price may differ from the one shown. The currency accepted for payments is only in Euro.
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