NOREV - PEUGEOT - 309 GTi 16V 1991

Масштаб: 1/18
Carmodel code: CAR143068
Manufacturer code: 184885
Материал: die-cast
Year: 1991
EAN: 3551091848851

Availability: not available
С учётом НДС 59.95
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The Peugeot 309 was a rather dull mid-class car but as many French cars of the period it had a hot version, named 309 Gti, that had quite a good success both in rallies and on track. The 309 Gti was spreadly used in its Group N configuration, being a good choice for amateur drivers. With other small sporting Peugeots like the 205 Gti or the 205 Rallye it marked an era.

By David Tarallo

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