Масштаб: 1/43
Carmodel code: CAR133999
Manufacturer code: 871004
Материал: die-cast
Year: 2020
EAN: 3551098710045
Аннотации: VOLVO

Availability: not available
С учётом НДС 44.95
Exchange rate: *

The Polestar 1 is a hybrid coupé created by Polestar, former brand of Volvo, and is the first car produced by the company since becoming an independent car manufacturer in June 2017. Based on 2013 Volvo's Concept Coupé, the Polestar 1 is built on the scalable platform and is powered by a hybrid powertrain, with a front-mounted engine and two electric motors at the rear. A total of 1,500 units are to be manufactured during a three-years period. Production is to take place China.

By David Tarallo

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