OFFICINA-942 - CISITALIA - 202 CMM AERODINAMICA (fiat 1100a) 1946

Масштаб: 1/76
Carmodel code: CAR140177
Manufacturer code: ART2009B
Материал: смола
Year: 1946
Аннотации: LIKE TOYS FROM THE 1940s

Availability: not available
С учётом НДС 15.00
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Cisitalia, a brand created by Piero Dusio, produced a sports car based on the Fiat 1100 after World War II. The exceptionality laid in the magnificent bodywork designed by Pinin Farina which made it one of the most famous cars in the world, so much so that it was also exhibited at the MoMA in New York. The 202 was also made in competition versions, even with spyder bodywork.

By David Tarallo

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