Масштаб: 1/18
Carmodel code: CAR146000
Manufacturer code: TM18-211A
Цвет: RED
Материал: смола
Year: 1956
Аннотации: LIMITED 145 ITEMS

Availability: not available
С учётом НДС 229.95
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During 1955 Ferrari began to study a more efficient sports car to replace the 750 Monza, 118LM and 121LM. Already with the 857S, which had made its debut at the Tourist Trophy in 1955, Ferrari had given a first response to its competitors, but it was with the 860 Monza that Ferrari found a definitive car for the 1956 season, to be raced alongside the 290MM. Equipped with a 3.5-liter 4-cylinder and 280hp engine, the 860 Monza provided excellent performance in that year, contributing decisively to the conquest of the world sportscar series.

By David Tarallo

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* Depending on the payment provider, exchange rates may vary, so the final price may differ from the one shown. The currency accepted for payments is only in Euro.
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