Масштаб: 1/12
Carmodel code: CAR130606
Manufacturer code: TM12-21C
Материал: смола
Year: 1994
EAN: tm1221c 112 00000026
Аннотации: LIMITED 250 ITEMS

Availability: not available
С учётом НДС 339.95
Exchange rate: *

After the 348, that had somewhat disappointed more than one enthusiast, Ferrari needed to improve the “entry level” car and begun to study a better car that actually would be welcomed by clients. The F355 was a step ahead comparing with the 348 series: quicker, fun to drive, more reliable, with more building quality and with a better handling. The F355 also continued the Ferrari Challenge history, that had begun in 1993 with the 348s and was constantly improved during its career, preparing the 2000s with the arrival of the F360 Modena.

By David Tarallo

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* Depending on the payment provider, exchange rates may vary, so the final price may differ from the one shown. The currency accepted for payments is only in Euro.
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